Encore Franchises
Who We Are

Encore Franchises LLC  is a fully owned company of 6040 LLC.

Based out of Birmingham, AL this franchise is the most unique franchise in the segment of Fuel and Convenience Store. We are a complete turnkey project, which means, we can brand an existing store or a new ground up store to one of the best looking convenience stores offering a wide variety of items like “Encore wines, lips balm, 9% Alkaline Water. to name a few.
Why Choice Us

Smoothie, making Encore a brand destination for the whole family.

We Offer a wide variety of proprietary food service in the form of a Tex-Mex Deli, Organic Free Trade Coffee, Bubble Tea and Fresh fruit smoothie, making Encore a brand destination for the whole family, adding a latest version of  sellable electronic products like drones, scooters, digital 4k Cameras, Cell Phone accessories.
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